To support and affirm LGBTQ+ youth, their adult caregivers, and the community through creating safe spaces, advocating for education, and providing peer-support.
Ensure every LGBTQ+ student in Placer County schools has a safe space for learning.
Hold monthly peer support group meetings to provide access to mental & emotional health and wellness.
Host LGBTQ+ camp yearly for youth.
Provide social gathering opportunities for youth and their adult caregivers.
For every youth, adult caregiver, community organization and school to have the support necessary to affirm LGBTQ+ youth in their daily lives/journey.
Our History

January 2017
Landing Spot is launched at Loomis UCC every Third Monday peer support meetings for LGBTQ+ youth and their adult care givers.
October 2017
Landing Spot offers its first annual Halloween Dance.
December 2018
Landing Spot offers its first Annual Landing Spot
Holiday Party.
January 2019
Landing Spot changes location due to size and accessibility to Martha Riley Library in Roseville.
August 2019
Landing Spot offers its first annual Castro field trip.
September 2019
Landing Spot offers peer support groups in more high schools based on demand.
March 2020
Landing Spot hosts its first Drag Show
April 2022
Landing Spot hosts its second Drag Show.
July 2022
Landing Spot hosts its first Camp Fruit Loop
August 2022
Landing Spot meetings move to the Downtown Roseville Library.
Landing Spot participates in more schools in Placer County based on demand.